Healthy Fruit Snacks for Adults

Adulthood can be difficult for young adults, and one of the basic tenets of young adulthood is to eat healthily. Even if you’re not a young adult anymore and just trying to change your health, you may be looking for healthy fruit snacks for adults. One of the major problems one can have when transitioning from living at home to living on your own is having a healthy intake of sugar and snacks. You can eat better by ensuring you have healthy fruit snacks for adults in your home.

There are a lot of fruit snacks available in the market, but as you grow older, you begin to realize that fruit roll-ups are just fruit juice with a lot of sugar rolled up as a snack. Healthy fruit snacks can be challenging to have in your diet if you don’t know what to look for. If you’re someone with an affinity for sweet things and have trouble with healthy fruit snacks, then look no further, as we have quite the list for you.

Healthy Fruit Snacks for Adults: A-List

Everyone talks about how fruits are nature’s candy, so we’re compiling a list of recipes and fruit snacks that you can eat instead of any of that high sugar stuff.

Healthy Fruit Snacks for Adults

Chocolate Kiwis

Sometimes, it’s not about the strawberries and chocolate. Kiwis are a great and yummy fruit that you can easily switch with strawberries. They are chock full of antioxidants and vitamins so that you won’t feel too guilty about the dessert. The recipe is also simple. You’ll need some kiwis, dark chocolate, and some coconut oil. You can make a ganache using coconut oil and dark chocolate. Once that’s done, cut pieces of the kiwis and dip them in the ganache. You can then leave the ganache to harden.

Please keep them in the fridge and eat them whenever you feel like snacking. Dark chocolate has many antioxidants, making it the perfect dessert to use.

Chocolate-Covered Fruit

If you have friends coming over and you want to lay down some healthy snacks in front of them, you can do a chocolate-covered platter instead. You will have to pick your fruits and then stick them in the freezer. Once they seem frozen, you can then remove them and dip them in the dark chocolate. Serve this to your friends, and you’ll be the most popular host ever.

Cucumber Rounds With Pomegranate, Avocado, and Pineapple

If you want to switch it up and not have chocolate around, you can do that too. Cucumbers are an excellent vehicle for all sorts of dips and sauces. You can take avocado in a bowl and add pomegranate and diced pineapple. This will create a paste you can apply to the crunchy cucumber slices. These are tasty, easy to ingest, and oh-so-fresh that you’ll keep wanting to come back for more.

Banana Chips

Banana chips are super standard in South India, where banana trees are abundant. You can slice up some raw bananas, place them on a baking sheet with a drizzle of oil and let them bake. Once done, they will be dried and crispy. You can store them in an air-tight container to enjoy them whenever you want.

Vanilla-Roasted Strawberries

Roasting strawberries in vanilla extract will amplify their flavor. You can use this as a snack as it doesn’t use any external sugar or add it as a condiment to other snacks. Having these strawberries on hand can be a life-saver if you feel like having a low-fat yogurt. However, you have to ensure that you get the composition right. You don’t want to under or overdo the sweetness of these strawberries.

Banana Truffles

Healthy fruit snacks for adults don’t have to be deceptive or boring. They can be super fun. One of the best things you can do with your bananas is make truffles with them. It’s simple; you have to take a ripe banana and cut it up into 1-inch slices. Once you do that, you can roll it around in sesame seeds. Cover the entire surface with sesame seeds and leave them in the freezer. You can eat them whenever you feel like it.

Strawberry Chia Jam, Almond Butter, and Banana Sandwich

One of the ways that you can fix yourself a healthy fruit snack is by imitating a beloved staple. Everyone loves a good PB&J, and this recipe accomplishes just that. You can make a strawberry jam from scratch at home by adding chia to mulched strawberries. Take some whole grain bread and apply that jam to it. You can then get almond butter or any nut butter of your preference and apply that. Cut up slices of banana to tie the sandwich together, and voila! The almond butter is a good source of protein, and the banana will give you all the potassium you could want.

One-Ingredient Banana Ice-Cream

Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you can no longer eat some ice cream. You would need some bananas, and you can have the perfect ice cream. Take some ripe bananas and mash them up. You can blend it if you don’t feel like having some chunky bits. Once you have blended them up, you can add in any bits of your own choice, like dark chocolate chips or a swirl of peanut butter. Stick the mixture in a freezer, and then scoop it out. It makes the perfect snack on a hot summer day, and it doesn’t even have a lot of calories.

Our Final Thoughts

Healthy fruit snacks for adults can only be healthy when they’re eaten in moderation. It would be best if you didn’t have to go insane trying to meet the criteria for healthy fruit snacks. Healthy snacks are anything that positively affects your health. It includes your mental and physical health. You can make a healthy choice by making your snacks at home instead of ordering them from the store. Store-brought fruit snacks have a lot of unnecessary sugar in them.